Snowy Campsies

PhotoSCENE Winning Images

A Natural History Photographic Competition sponsored by Glasgow Natural History Society and the
University of Glasgow Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine.

The competition aims to promote interest in Natural History and the work of SCENE (Scottish Centre for Ecology and the Natural Environment, the University’s field station at Rowardennan), promote linkage between the Institute and the Society and provide pictures for publicity. All entrants are thanked for making the effort to enter the competition. Prizes totalling £800 per year have been awarded at the Society’s photographic nights. Since the first competition in 2011, and together with talks from members, the competition has provided us with an interesting photographic evening each February.

2023-24 Winners

2022-23 Winners

2021-22 Winners

2020-21 Winners

2019-20 Winners

2018-19 Winners

2017-18 Winners

2016-17 Winners

2015-16 Winners

2014-15 Winners