

The summer field excursion programme for 2024 is now complete; see where we've been here

The 2024-25 winter programme of evening talks is now partly available, see here. Talks are generally given on the second Tuesday of each month from September to May.

The 2024 Blodwen Lloyd Binns prize has been awarded jointly to Emma Downie for her account Greater Glasgow pond amphibian surveys 2022 and to Jude Wilson for his account The short-term impact of Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) post-reintroduction on amphibian abundance and diversity in a lentic environment.

The Glasgow Naturalist volume 28(2) which includes papers arising from the 2023 conference on Amphibians and Reptiles, has now been published. Individual papers and short notes can be seen here Contents.

A supplementary issue The Glasgow Naturalist volume 28 (supplement) has also been published, covering topics relating to the centenary of the Graham Kerr Building of the University of Glasgow. Individual papers will also be available to read here Contents soon.

A tranche of bursaries towards courses in field taxonomy is offered annually; see BRISC website. Applications can be made from November each year until the closing date on January 31st following. Bursaries are not restricted to members of GNHS or BRISC (Biological Recording in Scotland).

PhotoSCENE 2024-2025: A Natural History Photographic Competition sponsored by Glasgow Natural History Society and the University of Glasgow School of Biodiversity, One Health and Veterinary Medicine (SBOHVM). See Photoscene for more information, or to see winning photographs from earlier years. The closing date for this year's competition is October 31st 2024

The Flora of Lanarkshire by the late Peter Macpherson is still available at £38.50; order on-line at Nature Bureau bookshop or Members may order at a lower price direct from GNHS.

The Amphibians and Reptiles of Scotland, Chris McInerny and Pete Minting. Published by GNHS; download it free here (PDF, 135Mb) or email Chris McInerny to buy a printed copy for £22.50.

Glasgow Natural History Society is a charity registered in Scotland (SC012586)


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